Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Here I am world!

I am thinking about getting a tattoo on my head "If you can read this, I am probably having chemo"

1 comment:

  1. Ok finally! Sorry I'v been away at home in Ireland for a bit and have sooooo much to catch up on... I tried for a stop over there and london but ended up have to change all my flght home and in doing so lost my stopovers, next time! If you ain't back by then that is. :)

    Soooo Congrats on finishing chemo!! *Yaay* *Well done* Fair fucks to ya woman!! You're looking super fab as always, how do you do it?! So hurry up and get through this radiation shit and get back here, feck its been ages :( WANAKA NEEDS YOU!! (--o-) (finger pointing, I know its bad, sorry)
    Sorry I had to laugh at your birth mark.... It just goes and proves the point that you were a little baby alcho, so much so that the spilled wine from nap time has left a stain!! Hahaha :) Aawh sorry, but hey, I snuck my mother around the back, of a pub which was locked for holy hour on a sunday, when I was four!!
    Great to see you're doing so well.... not that any of us doubted it ;)
    Love you sweetie OxoxoxxoOoxXxoOoxxoxoxO
