Home Sweet Home! I can't believe I left here on the 16th of February, crying, scared and here I am... 15th October (Happy Birthday Ian Reiser - kisses!!) home again, in remission and with a newer healthier outlook on life. I am absolutely over the moon to finally write EMMA - 1, CANCER - NIL. Takes more than cancer to keep this bitch down, heh heh.
We got into town on Friday, it was freezing cold. It was snowing at ground level at Lake Tekapo and the mountains were all covered in snow, but you wouldn't know it today, sunny, balmy and blue skies.
Friday night, the crew all got together in front of the fireplace at Woodys (my favourite spot in the world really) and we got it on. I can proudly say there was only a few tears, we were all in too good spirits - pun absolutely intended.
The night kicked on as did the drinks. For those of you not on Facebook, I ended up playing pool and drinking with Shaun White (no.1 snowboarder in the world) with my mates. I had no idea who he was and decided in my alcoholically-induced wisdom to call him my "bitch" as we downed shots at the bar.
It wasn't until I googled him the next day that I began to groan and slap my head. How was I to know the man is a snowboard / skateboarding god, Olympic gold medalist, worth millions with a lamborghini and his own playstation games on the way? Not that it would have mattered mind you.
Well, at least he will probably remember me now ("remember me? I'm that drunk cow in Wanaka who kept calling you my bitch"). Anyhoo, many drinks later I appreciate Craig throwing me into a cab and sending me home, sometime around 3am... thanks guys!
Melbourne was wonderful to me in so many ways. I was able to get the best treatment, perhaps in the world. I re-connected with my amazing family and I got to spend time with my beautiful friends, Leon, Liss, Ian, Claire, Max, Chrissie, Ash, Glen Husko, Toomer, Bianca Wilson, Jo Bo, Steve & Catriona, Morag, Renee Marais, Steve & Caroline, Clare (from NZ) and heaps others....... but I have to say that finally, I really do feel like I am home.
Virginia, Jet Boat James, Ruthie 1 and Ruthie 2 and everyone who went out of their way to help, from flowers in the house, to cleaning our cars (who does that???) THANK YOU from my whole family. We have never felt so loved and appreciated. I am so blessed to have you all.
I sit here, having just come back from a walk down the road. The sun was shining, the ipod was cranking and the mountains were breathtaking. I took a moment, turned my face to the sun and just breathed.
When was the last time you did that?
Love you guys
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