Had an awesome day. I caught up with a friend and we went to the Richmond Hill Cafe in Melbourne, which has an in-house fromargerie (cheese shop). We gorged on lovely teas and a cheese platter with all the trimmings. I was in cheese heaven!
I must admit the only thing that would have perfected the afternoon is a glass of crisp white wine to wash down all that lactose, but since I was diagnosed I haven't wanted to drink any alcohol at all. It's strange - my friends can't believe it, I am rarely without a beer or wine in my hand lol - but I just don't want to put anything bad into my body at a time like this. So I am being extremely well behaved.
Can't wait to start getting my travel plans into action. Travel (and apparently now.. cheese) are my focus. I spend most nights roaming the planet, thanks to Google Earth. Went from Bordeaux to Budapest to Malibu, CA last night.... not bad for a nights work eh.
Back to the fun stuff...
My hair continues to fall out at an alarming rate and to be honest, they never prepare you for how bloody messy it is! It doesn't all fall out in one neat heap on the floor, it falls out on your pillow, in your clothes, in the shower... all over the fricken place. Its messy and its annoying and yes, I am embarrassed to admit, I still cried like a little girl when it first started to come out in clumps.
My apologies go out to any friends who went prematurely bald. I am sorry I never took the time to ask how you felt about it, so please accept my very belated hugs.
It's very upsetting to see yourself looking like you wondered out of a concentration camp. Even though I had mentally prepared myself, to some degree, it was and continues to be a shock as each day goes by. I stare at myself in the mirror, wondering who that person is staring back at me. Is all of this really happening???
I wonder about a lot of things now. I call cancer "being hit with a perspective bat". I think about the journey of learning to like myself again after all of this.....
So, dear reader, how are you doing? Thanks for checking out my blog and for all the emails you continue to send. It really lifts my spirits :)
Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day. Don't forget to tell your family how much you love them. If that's not an option, for whatever reason, do something wonderful for yourself. I highly recommend a gourmet cheese platter.
I am about to waste a ridiculous amount of time on the couch watching Monty Python movies.... sigh.... bliss!
Love to you all
Ems xx
p.s still hoping by some small miracle that Josh Groban will call me for a date... will have to find out if he likes cheese or not. If not.. I may have to rethink my celebrity crush ;)
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your soul mate and their lack of dedication. Don't worry Josh will find you!! Good old Monthy Python, good for extreme stupidity and a hell of a laugh :) I have a few puzzles for you but I'm gonna send them in post.
You gotta be one of the strongest babes I know sweetie! It ain't easy, thats for sure. My friend Ash did get some awesome wigs for a change from the scarves. Oh you could get such a selection! After falling asleep on the couch after a heap of films and few drinks etc, the rest of us would wake up in bits messy hair twisted clothes, and Ash just got new wig and was perfect again. It made us bit jealous at times, ....like when the lads called in early!
Anywho.... gotta get back to your puzzles.... Just wanted to say hi and love you!
Big Hugs & Kisses
Ruthie :0)
Hey gorgeous,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment and your unwavering support and great spirits. I can't wait till all of this is over and we are sitting together in front of a roaring fire (anywhere in the world) and catching up on all the goss with a baileys and milk (or four). Love ya xxx