Well, here it is folks. Me with really, really short hair. Victoria Beckham I am not! I must admit, it is very liberating not having any hair. I get out the shower, run the towel over it and I am done! Should have done this years ago lol.
Don't have a whole lot of fodder for this blog entry. Saving it for this weekend and the BIG SHAVE on Sunday. Leon and his clippers have a date with my head.... lets just hope its not shaped like a half-sucked lemon. Just got home from the hospital and the volunteers have given me a whole stack of funky head scarves and beanies for next week. I especially like my USA stars, stripes and glitter one and the Pirates of the Caribbean red one with skull and cross bones. Don't worry there will be plenty more photos to come.
Big thanks to Leon and Alyssa for the "Fuck the Lump" hoodie and t-shirts. You guys already do so much! I wear the hoodie all the time now... am scarily resembling ET at the moment. Wanted to thank Anna Kemp for sending me a card from the other side of the world and to Bianca and Mark for taking the time out of their Borneo holiday to send me a postcard... do I get to keep the Orang-Utan who delivered it? He's super cute and actually better looking than the last guy I dated!!
Hope to be catching up with Russell tonight (my old tennis doubles partner). We haven't seen each other in a long time and he is a beautiful soul. He's one of the best writers I know and leads a fascinating life in the middle east and all over the world. Looking forward to making him dazzle me with his Capeoria... Cappoeira... Kapo.... fuck it... Brazillian Martial Arts skills.
Other than that, been hitting the Melbourne Comedy Festival shows and DOMINATING in Guitar Hero. I am up to the Hard level now and looking forward to next week's showdown with Max Leong (from Applecross). Gonna make him eat my Guitar dust!!!............. erm..... that doesn't even make sense Em!?!
CONGRATS to Saskia and Craig on your engagement guys. I am soooo happy for you both. You are such a gorgeous couple and we can all aspire to be in love as much as you two are. Wish I could be there with you to smother you in kisses and cuddles.
Love to you all, more this weekend.
Ems xxxxx
Capoera (sp?) is cool, my ex boyfriend used to do it, so it's actually only cool when he doesn't do it, and you know what? He scarily resembled an ape also. But I digress.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the guitar hero progress, I am still on medium I think, I lack the dexterity to progress pass the Tom Morello boss. It's the whammy bar. Paul is addicted to it, he's clocked every game, and we are very excited about Guitar Hero - Metallica to come out.
Anyway, little known fact about Jamie is that when I was about 8, I learned how to make paper cranes. I read the story of Sadako Sasaki, and everyday since then, I make at least one . Im pretty sure I'm well past the 1000 needed to make the Senbazuru (you should look this stuff up, 1000 paper cranes and what they represent in Japanese Culture) so whenever I make one now I think of someone who needs good wishes, so yesterday I did one for you! Yussss! High Five! Japanese Peace Crane Go!!! Sounds weird but hey, thats my little wacky superstition and I like it.
Hope you are getting good weather, good books, good food, and have raped and pillaged youtube for all the entertainment you can get.
Keep blogging, thumbs up.
Oh oh oh I wanna see you in the Pirates of the Caribbean one!! Out at airport at the mo on sloooow computer so will get back to you again when I'm at home. But pics are awesome, you're lookin good sweetie!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots!
Ruthie :0)