Hi Guys
Sorry for neglecting my blog. Due to the overwhelming outcry and threats, I have finally posted another entry..... ha, yeah right! No, I just told Bif and Bex that I would put them up on my blog. Both of them being quite shy, I am not sure they hugely appreciate my posting their picture up in the eternity of the information superhighway, but there it is! Love you guys!
Well I would like to let you know how the hell I have been these past... wait... 9 months (holy shit that went quick) but frankly, I would probably bore you and I just don't have the energy, but I will soon, dear reader... I will.
At this point, I'd like to give a shout out to a certain guy (you know who you are) who has given me more than he knows. He's super special and I'm so stoked to have him in my life.
I want to tell Sam and Gareth how much I miss and love you. So excited for the future for you guys!
I want to tell Kate that she rocks.
I want to tell Kitty that I am always right beside her and she will yet, rule the world.. oh and next time we play for my yacht in Cannes for your Scottish Castle - see ya Friday night. Same bar.. same pool table.
I want to tell Craig and Saskia that you will overcome this tragedy stronger than ever and that we should all aspire to be as in love as you two are.
James and Ruthie BBBBBBBBBB... have a bloody Guinness for me in Ireland. Give my love to Damien and Ems11 and hurry back, we have a birthday to plan!!
Back to me...
It would seem that this 'fatigue' monster they talked about does in fact, rear its ugly head many months after all the treatment has finished. He is a rare and insidious monster, never quite in your face, but sometimes lurking behind you. He appears randomly and comes and goes as quickly as an awkward one-night-stand (for which, I am truly grateful). I endured such an attack this morning which rendered me in bed for the day. Not quite so tragic as it allowed me the time to do something important, like write this blog.... sleep.... eat an apple... sleep.... oh yeah, and I also changed the colour scheme of my blog.... think I may go back to sleep now.
Much exciting news to come.. hence the bright colour scheme. I considered changing the name of my blog as Fuck the Lump just doesn't apply to my life right now... but I couldn't think of another title that fit. "Fuck the Bump (on my head from getting pissed and falling down last Friday night)" just doesn't have the same ring to it. "Fuck the Dump?" Nah... never go there.. awful smelly place. "Fuck the Jump?" Doesn't make sense and I have nothing against Van Halen.
So Fuck the Lump it remains.
Sending so much love to you wherever you are in the world. And if I haven't told you lately, I treasure you.