Hey guys
Sorry again for a bit of a delay in posting, so much has happened over the last month including moving house, changing hospitals, commencing radiotherapy blah, blah, blah that I just don't have the energy to recount it all right now. I've just come back from a lovely dinner followed by cake and coffee with Mum, Dad, Sam and Gareth at a gorgeous little restaurant in Fitzroy and I'm a little food-sleepy. But otherwise I am fine.
I'm so excited to be back online after an enforced hiatus. Moved to be closer to treatment in Box Hill which meant I have been living in the 'burbs with no internet access, no mobile phone reception and no mode of transport. Has been so tough. I may as well have been in bloody outer Mongolia! Damn, Melbourne is a big, big place!
If only I could have got my hands on a flux capacitor.. it all would have been fine, but alas there doesn't appear to be any DeLorians (or plutonium for that matter) in the area. So until a time machine lands miraculously in my driveway (or until I find alternative accommodation) I am a little unaccessable at the moment. You'll have to bear with me, but hopefully it will only be for a short time.
Funnily though, not being able to access the internet for over a week has caused quite a stir, unbeknownst to me. All my overseas cyber friends were worried and even assumed I was dead!!! Some of them only know I am sick and have cancer. They didn't know my prognosis, so when they never heard back from me they assumed the worst ha ha. When I finally Twittered my existence tonight, they all replied back how relieved they were that I was still alive. Good thing I didn't have condolences and cards sent to my parents eh!
Just goes to show how internet dependent I have become over the last 6 months. Usually I would consider that a little bit sad, but considering the internet has been my lifeline and best method of communication over the year, its a dependency I am happy to have. Also without it.. I wouldn't be able to bore the crap out of you guys for 15 minutes or so each month that I post crap like this heh heh.
So, I am officially now in Week 3 of radiotherapy. I am being treated at the other Peter Mac hospital in Box Hill as they had a much shorter waiting list (told ya, radiotherapy is all the rage in 2009). The staff there are incredible and I continue to be amazed at the kindness and support offered to the patients. Its still humbling.
Radiotherapy itself is a total walk in the park compared to Chemo. The biggest hurdle is getting to the hospital every day for treatment. I was having to catch two trains from the house I've been staying in, which was taking me over an hour each way. That sucked ass. But Dad bought a nice Honda and decided he wants to drive me to treatment from now on, as the fatigue starts to kick in... so I am being driven to the hospital now which is wonderful.
Well, my cup of tea is getting cold and I have another episode of Top Gear to get through. I was recently indoctrinated into the series by my cousin and I am well and truly addicted. Also have decided after watching Jeremy Clarkson drive the Bugatti Veron from France to London, that is the car I want. It does 400kms an hour with 1,000 brake horse power and costs around 1 million pounds (see above picture)... but I still want one. Hot, hot, hot.
Ooh speaking of hot... there's a stunning fair haired Italian guy who works in Joe's Garage restaurant on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. If you ever go there, tell him Emma says HI ;)
Hope to be heading back to Wanaka in October and I am getting so excited. I miss everyone so much and I can't wait for the catch up. I'll be having a week-long party at my place, so everyone needs to get into 'training'. I just wish I could pick up my friends from all over the world and have everyone there with me, at the same time. You have ALL been so wonderful. I feel so totally blessed. I can honestly feel the love all the way over here, so thank you for that.
Ali and Mike... guys I am so completely disappointed that I can't be in London in September for the wedding. Ali, you're my oldest friend and I almost can't bear the thought of not being there for your special day. Please just know that I am there in spirit and sending you all my love and best wishes. I am staying focused on making it up to you when I get to the UK next year, happy and healthy. Love to the whole family and bloody good work on 'Animal Cops - Arizona'. I saw your name on the end credits and was very excited! It's a wonderful series and I'm so proud of you both!
Love to you all. Sleep well. Sweet dreams.
Ems xxx