Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting sooner. There is no excuse, but I am quite good at making up bullshit on the spot should some be required ;) Well, I recently made an incredible discovery, whilst in the kitchen making myself a cup of tea Sammy said - all very concerned "Em you have a rash on the back of your neck" and she started to poke and prod. "We'll have to mention that to your oncologist when we next see her" (Sammy is the doting and concerned sister you WISH you had. I love it!!).
So when we next saw Dr Grossi, Sam pointed out the rash which actually turned out to be a rather large Port Wine Stain birth mark, which I never knew I had under all that hair. So in true hard-core blogger style, I took a photo and posted it on the internet for all the world to see.
Everyone... meet Birth Mark.... Birth Mark... meet everyone :)
Well, Mum and Dad finally made it to Melbourne and were rudely introduced into the wonderful world of chemo in their first week here. They were amazing, coming into the hospital with me and sitting there for the four hours it takes to make me sick for a month. They took good care of me during the week, cleaning out my bucket, bringing me food/water/medications and just reassuring me it would all be over soon. Thank god they were right....
I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED CHEMO PEOPLE!! Thank god for that! Please cancer, never come back.. I just don't think I could ever go through that again.
Um what else, oh yeah... Radiotherapy. So I had to go into the hospital again (can do that trip blindfolded now) for my radiotherapy 'measure up'. I had to lay on a CT scanner table, half naked, breasts exposed and very cold while 6 people fussed around me and drew all over my top half. They use all the lines and dots to line up the 'lasers' on the machines so they can specifically target the cancer areas. OK here's the weird bit, they tattooed me! Yep, you heard me right. I now have 6 blue dots tattooed on my chest, two down the middle of my sternum, two down my right side next to the breast and two on the left. My doctor said they can either spend 40 minutes drawing all over me every day for 6 weeks to line up the machine each time, or they can just do tattoos with a needle and some ink. Needless to say I opted for the tattoos. I prefer lying there cold and exposed for 25 minutes as opposed to an hour... what can I say, I am not much of an exhibitionist! Mind you, if I had those fake boobs that pointed upright while I lay down, it might have been a different story ;)
Ahh cancer... it continues to be a source of shits and giggles doesn't it? Unfortunately, there is a waiting list for radiotherapy, so I am biding my time for the next couple of weeks. Can't wait to get started. Sooner I start, sooner I finish. Then overseas here I come! Wow, tattoos, bald head.. all I need now is a Harley Davidson and my transformation into a scary biker chick is complete!
On the upside, I bought 2 tickets to see Ben Folds on 3rd September in St Kilda. Ben is a piano/musical genius and I am such a huge fan. It's lovely to have something like that to look forward to. Ladysmith Black Mambazo are also playing at the end of the month, but I blew all my pennies on Ben. Argh Melbourne, so much good music, so little funds.
On the downside I still haven't heard from Josh Groban. I thought Jamie's tireless efforts emailing the poor man on Facebook would have surely resulted in him declaring his undying love for me. I think he is just playing hard to get. That's ok Josh, I too can play hardball... there's still plenty of time for me to stalk... ahem.... I mean talk to you ;)
Saw 'Kung Fu Hustle' over the weekend. What a great movie! Ah Leon, you continue to be a source of never-ending fun. You are the wind beneath my wings? nah... sunshine in an otherwise cloudy day? nah... you are the peanut butter on my toast. Yep. You are the camel-coloured, crunchy nut spread that brings joy to my tummy. Thanks for being my peanut butter, my incredible mate.
Ems xx