Am sitting here in bed, kickass Sony headphones on, just hanging with the cat in the dark. It's 1am and I am being lulled into a sweet state of pure lyrical bliss by the genius that is the Great Lake Swimmers. If you haven't heard of them, do yourself a favour. Their song "Changing Colours" is simply gorgeous and the lyrics are stunning.
You look at me, with uncertainty,
You look at me, with urgency.
You look at me. with fear in your eyes
like you're about to fall away.
But don't be afraid to change your colours now.
I've known you all Summer, you rose above it all.
I see you hesitate to fall now,
But it's a pretty good view from down here, too.
And when the wind takes you, it takes me, too.
When you change colours, I change mine, too.
Try not to think, and I will try too.
When you let go, I will let go, too.
I knew you when you were green and strong.
You were like a feather on a wing, so long.
You know I will miss you when you are gone,
but don't be afraid if you just can't hang on.
'Cause when the wind takes you, it takes me, too.
When you change colours, I change mine, too.
Try not to think and I will try, too.
And when you let go, I will let go, too.
The cold air is pushing hard on you.
I know what you're saying; I can feel it, too.
You'll go through changes, and I'll go through them too.
Don't be afraid now, no don't be afraid.
'Cause when the wind takes you, it takes me, too.
When you change colours, I change mine, too.
Try not to think and I will try, too.
And when you let go, I will let go, too
The lyrics kinda make me think about this journey I'm on and the fact that you, my amazing, incredible friends are on it with me. All the way. I have never felt so completely blessed,as I do now. Strange... I know, but I am so honoured to have you all in my life. I just wanted to tell you that. I don't think we tell each other enough. So there it is. A simple but important message to you.
Love and peace
Ems xxx
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Feeling like a human specimen in the petrie dish of life...

*thanks to Megan for the pig-picture above, laughed so hard I nearly spit my tea out*
NOTE TO SELF - don't make jokes about Swine Flu, then get sick in Melbourne "Swine Flu Capital of the World". Chemo = immuno suppressed/compromised = easy bloody target.
Result of irreverent and somewhat unfunny jokes about contracting Swine Flu? Being admitted to hospital with suspected Swine Flu:
1. Spending 4 days in quarantined isolation in hospital
2. Having a whole ward on red alert
3. Only being touched with latex gloves, full body aprons and even then, only when absolutely necessary
4. Blood tests, blood tests, blood tests and then some blood tests (this is only the first hour of Day 1)
5. Not being able to even leave your room for 4 days
6. See #5, therefore having to use a bedpan (oh the shame)
7. Having your veins physically collapse, resulting in blood being taken FROM YOUR BONY FEET by someone from ICU (after trying my wrists, hands, arms) man that hurts!
8. Being told you have the blood pressure of a corpse
9. Having a temperature of 39.7 degrees and feeling like your face is about to peel off
Finally I am home, safe in the knowledge I did not have Swine Flu, but just a serious viral infection (er.... yay!?)
Still feeling dazed and confused, stuck with more needles than a Kings Cross junkie who just won lotto and like I just wondered off the set of "Outbreak".
Sigh... I just don't want to talk about it anymore.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I got sick last week. They think it was swine flu, I told them my nose has always looked like that

So people, its Friday night. I have had a shit of a week (can't wait to regale you with it) but what's your excuse for hanging out in my blog on a Friday night? Get your butt off the chair, turn off your computer and get out there!!! For godsakes people, if not for yourselves... DO IT FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T!! Get drunk, get stupid (and most definitely get laid).
Ahhh... all better.. had to let that out. Now on with the irreverent babble that constitutes this fine blog of mine :)
How the hell are ya???
I had chemo again on Monday (yeah yeah Em, we know it "sucked ass" get on with it) ahem - hate it when the voices interrupt me.... where was I?? - oh yeah, I ended up in hospital the next day on a drip severely dehydrated and worse for wear. It would appear my bucket won this round, but hey there's always next time to look forward to. Yep, sad but true, my oncologist confirmed I have to have another round of chemo on 22nd June. Damn! For some reason both Sammy and I had convinced ourselves that this would be the last one before I start radiotherapy. Oh well, send back the clowns, the bouncy castle, the vodka sprinklers and the monkeys on unicycles (at least for now).... but I'm keeping the cabana boys ;)
I managed to get a bit sick last week in Canberra visiting relatives (they think it was swine flu, I told them my nose has always looked like that) so that is possibly what tipped me over the edge this week. I really felt like dying... but hey, you know me, I always stay positive... and the good thing about feeling like you are dying? you can only go UP from there lol.
Exciting news, my ma and pa are coming over to Melbs next weekend. Really looking forward to seeing them. It feels like I have been in a time warp and my head spins to think I have been here since middle of February already. Wow time flies when you're having fun eh!
So what else... I am starting to worry I have spread myself a little thin. With Facebook, Hotmail, the blog, Twitter (shudder), the books, my work with Oceana and eventual world domination, I fear I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I only agreed to do the Twitter thing so I could stalk... ahem... 'follow' Josh Groban... but I am finding it strangely addictive. But did I really need another opportunity to vent witty Emma anecdotes * into cyber space?? Not sure really. I'll keep you posted.
*(N.B "Witty Emma anecdotes" was a term loosely used for comedic purposes only. No assumptions of hilarity or general frivolity on the part of the author should ever be made and no comedians were hurt in the making of this statement)
Speaking of posted, I have been a little remiss with this blog... my baby, but people, people, people.... you have been bad, bad followers also! Where are all your comments? I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted bloodshed, tears and wars on these pages (see first post). Ok, I'm going to count to 10 and when I start.......
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.......
Friday, June 5, 2009
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