Well, today wasn't exactly fun filled. It was the first appointment with my Medical Oncologist. Looks like I will be starting Chemo in 2-3 weeks, we are just waiting for the surgery bits and pieces to heal. For those interested in the medical terminology here goes:
- Its Stage 2 cancer
- Hormone Reception Positive
- HER2 gene Negative
We are looking at 3 months treatment "AC" Chemo (I can't even say the full spelling of the name let alone type it). This just was the best option for me. Would rather face Leukemia and a weakened heart (along with nausea, risk of infection, blood transfusions, risk of infertility etc) than the other option which has the above risks along with an 80% chance of complete infertility and that treatent goes for 6 months. Really had to pick the lesser of two evils. Not much of a selection eh.
My hair will fall out within first week of Round 1 of chemo (eyebrows and lashes included.. great! I am going to look like fucking Neo from Matrix.... just not as hot as Keanu...). Bascially you can head to the Cancer Society website and check out the info there on Chemo... but it's not pretty.
They want to send me to a Geneticist when all of this is over, due to the rarity of breast cancer at my age, in fact, here's a fascintating statistic for y'all.
Out of 1,000 women; 125 will be disgnosed with breast cancer. Of those 125 women, 8 will be under 40 years old.
See.... I am special!!!
I have an appointment with a Fertility Specialist at the Womens Hospital Monday, but we don't know if we have time to harvest / freeze any eggs (even though I want this very badly) prior to commencing Chemo, so I will probably just have to buy a baby on ebay.
After the chemo I will be having Radiotherapy, then 5 years of Hormone treatment. The cancer is most likely to try to return within the first 2-3 years, but we'll talk about that stuff later.
Sorry guys, I got nothing tonight. This has been exhausting today and I just don't have it in me to even try to be funny. Thought the picture above was fricken hilarious though... so that will have to suffice for today.
Thanks so much to Steve and Catriona for the "music" gift card... you know me so well. I will be downloading some tunes tonight. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts and words. Massive love and appreciation from me to you.
I will try to post again this week, as I actually had a wonderful surprise over the weekend and a great weekend to boot (funny photos included) and I absolutely must put them up here, just don't have the energy right now.
Miss you and love you all.
Ems xxx
Out of 1,000 women; 125 will be disgnosed with breast cancer. Of those 125 women, 8 will be under 40 years old.
See.... I am special!!!
I have an appointment with a Fertility Specialist at the Womens Hospital Monday, but we don't know if we have time to harvest / freeze any eggs (even though I want this very badly) prior to commencing Chemo, so I will probably just have to buy a baby on ebay.
After the chemo I will be having Radiotherapy, then 5 years of Hormone treatment. The cancer is most likely to try to return within the first 2-3 years, but we'll talk about that stuff later.
Sorry guys, I got nothing tonight. This has been exhausting today and I just don't have it in me to even try to be funny. Thought the picture above was fricken hilarious though... so that will have to suffice for today.
Thanks so much to Steve and Catriona for the "music" gift card... you know me so well. I will be downloading some tunes tonight. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts and words. Massive love and appreciation from me to you.
I will try to post again this week, as I actually had a wonderful surprise over the weekend and a great weekend to boot (funny photos included) and I absolutely must put them up here, just don't have the energy right now.
Miss you and love you all.
Ems xxx